The Real Cause of the U.S. Civil War

Robert Hosea to Abraham Lincoln, February 7, 1861

Page 9

Conspirators -- and I will mention them

Hammond & Chesnut -- U. S. Senators

Keitt -- Miles & the other S. C. Congressmen

Judge Magrath -- bearing the commission of an

U. S. Judge at the time

Pickens, who had returned from Russia for the purpose,

and many others were dismayed to find

that the northern delegates could not be in-

duced to go the "whole figure" on the Free

trade, in fact that northern Democrats were

certain they could not fight the presidential

battle successfully in the north on such a platform,

and were candid enough to intimate to their

southern friends that our nation must acquire

power from manufactures, as well as riches

from agriculture, and that the manufacturing

interest of the north must be encouraged

and fostered.

When this sentiment was ascertained the

conspirators' interest was suddenly diminished in the

Democratic party -- and a meeting was immediately

called in Gov Hammonds private room, at which

meeting R. R. Rhett, editor of Charleston Mercury

was the presiding genius. Here it was settled that

there was nothing to hope from the Democratic party,

as to the consummation of their favorite idea, and that

the election of Mr Douglas would not be particularly


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