The Real Cause of the U.S. Civil War

Robert Hosea to Abraham Lincoln, February 7, 1861

Page 11

that is impossible. It is not as a Republican

that they oppose your election.

Insane with passion

at the result, they stopped not at treason

and rebellion to carry out their plans, when

they found they never could gain possession

of the Capitol to prevent your customary

inauguration; they determined on the

disruption of the Union. How far they

have gone the daily papers indicate; they

now trust by collision with the federal

power and the shedding of blood to unite

the south and thus place an insurmount-

able manner barrier to reconstruction.

Their object now is to form two confederacies

one of the slave and the other of free states

to accomplish this and get the consent of

the north, the conspirators will -- after all

the slave states are united in one sentiment of

secession, hold in terrorem over the heads

of the north the disadvantages of losing

the southern trade, and obstruct the naviga-

tion of the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers.

When a peaceable dissolution is effected

it is their purpose to throw open their ports

announce free trade, and invite the northern

states west of the Alleghenies to participate

in the benefits thereof, thereby through the

effect of mercenary interest and selfishness

Hosea Letter Page 11