The Cause of the U.S. Civil War

John C. Calhoun to Lt. James E[dward] Colhoun, August 26, 1827

Page 13

ful and corrupt politicians

may use nearly half of

the wealth of the country

to buy up partisans, in order

to acquire, or retain power.

This very use of it, many,

and they highly intelligent, below

the heads of the Admin-

istration are attempting to

employ. About a year

ago, a great excitement

was got up in Boston by

the capitalists, with a view

professedly to give an in-

crease[d] duty on woolens

for their protection. A

Bill was reported to

the House of Rep[resentati]ves amounting

in fact to a prohibition,

and after much heat

Calhoun to Lt. James Edward Colhoun, page 13