The Cause of the U.S. Civil War

John C. Calhoun to Littleton Waller Tazewell, August 25, 1827, page 7

division of power between

the General, and State Govern-

ments really give to the former

only those, which [a]ffect all in

the same way, reserving to

the latter those that are truly

local in their nature, the

veto would be nearly effec-

tual, tho, even then, not

entirely so. It is difficult

to conceive, how, peculiar local

& minor interests can be

secured unless by a

negative of the kind;

but how far such a nega-

tive would be found con-

sistent with the general

power, is an important

consideration, which,

I waive for the present.

There is one fact, however, of

vthe greatest importance,

that this negative would

Calhoun to Tazewell Page 7