
[Links and additional names to be added.]

Bailey, Gamaliel. A physician who became an anti-slavery newspaper editor, first of the Cincinnati philanthropist and then of The National Era of Washington, D.C.

Brown, John. An Ohio leather tanner and later a wool grower and then a Massachusetts wool merchant who became an anti-slavery terrorist, murdering settlers and killed more in his unsuccessful raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, for which he was hung.

Calhoun, John C. A South Carolina lawyer, planter and politician. He recognized the adverse effects of high tariff rates on cotton prices and authored a famous political brief on the subject. He was a leader in the Nullification Crisis in 1832-33.

Embree, Elihu. A Tennessee iron manufacturer who published the country's first anti-slavery newspaper.

Garrison, William Lloyd. The crusading editor of the anti-slavery newspaper, The Liberator.

Greeley, Horace. The editor of The New York Tribune, a pro-tariff, anti-slavery newspaper that was the nation's leading newspaper and the chief Republican political organ.

Hosea, Robert. Cincinnati businessman, supporter of Salmon P. Chase and author of an intelligence brief to Lincoln advising on the politics of southern secession.

Hurlbut, Stephen Augustus. Illinois lawyer, Lincoln political associate and Lincoln's secret emissary to report on secession politics in Charleston, South Carolina, in March, 1861.

Lincoln, Abraham. A Republican lawyer from Springfield, Illinois, who was elected President of the United States in 1860.

Lundy, Benjamin. The anti-slavery newspaper editor of The Genius of Universal Emancipation first in Ohio, then in East Tennessee, then Baltimore.

McDuffie, George. South Carolina lawyer, U.S. Congressman, Governor and U.S. Senator. Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee 1825-1832. A ardent opponent of protective tariffs.

Niles, Hezekiah. The editor of Niles' Weekly Register, The nation's "newspaper of record" for political and economic news in the years 1811 - 1836.

Otis, Harrison Gray. A U.S. senator from Massachusetts who followed James Tallmadge's lead and joined the anti-slavery conspiracy once he recognized the political effect on the balance of power.

Semmes, Raphael. A Cincinnati lawyer, navy officer and captain of the famous naval raiding ship, CSS Alabama. Writing after the war, Semmes gave an accurate description of the cause of the war that he was uniquely in a position to know.

Seward, William Henry. A former governor and Senator from New York, once the Republican leader for the presidential nomination, was appointed Secretary of State By Lincoln.

Smith, Gerrit. New York State's largest landowner and the leading contributor to the anti-slavery crusade.

Stevens, Thaddeus. A Pennsylvania lawyer, iron manufacturer and Republican Congressman who favored the tariff and was strongly anti-slavery.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher. The talented author of the nation's most popular anti-slavery book, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Tallmadge, James, Jr. A New York lawyer and Congressman who introduced the anti-slavery amendments to the Missouri statehood bill, initiating a two-year bitter controversy.

Tappan, Lewis. A Boston and New York textile merchant who became the foremost leader of the anti-slavery crusade in America.

Tappan, Arthur. A New York silk merchant who shared with his brother Lewis the leadership of the anti-slavery crusade.