The Real Cause of the U.S. Civil War

Lewis Tappan Circular Letter of November 6, 1846

Soliciting Funding for the National Era Newspaper

Page 3

you take hold vigorously in accomplishing the great ob-

ject we have in view.

Respectfully & truly Yours,

Lewis Tappan

Acting Correspg Secretary


Maine   $1,250

N. H        1,100

Vt.          1,150

Mass.     3,000

R. Isl.        500

Conn.     1,500

N.Y.        4,000

N. J.         500

Pennsa. 2,000

Ohio      2,500

Mich.        500

Ills.          800

Ind.         500

Wisc.       350

Iowa       350


New York, 5 Nov. 1846

Rev. W. W. Patton



Dear Brother

Can you help us? Will you

see what can be done in your county: Can you go to

Farmington & obtain a good [sufus?]? We will pay

expenses & a satisfactory compensation.

[Whence be 1300th?] [?]

We have a strong hope of success.

Tappan Circular Letter, page 3