Steve Hurlbut to Abraham Lincoln, March 27, 1861
It is impossible to expect from this adminis-
tration that they can restore at will the
lost habit of obedience, the patriotism
worn out -- the power whose prestige over
the minds of men has been wilfully
thrown away and abandoned by its
immediate predecessor.
I cannot close without repeating
to the President, that this is a time to
expect and be prepared for the worst,
that any yielding that the times may
enforce has infinitely more value
when it come from a Government
strong in fact and conscious of its
strength -- giving not from any suspicion
of fear -- but with the sense of power.
And if no yielding takes place
so much the more necessity for the most
ample preparation.
I should also state that no
person except Mr. Petigru is aware that I
have the most distant connection with the
Executive & that to keep this position as
soon as Mr. Lamon became known I left
him to himself.
Very Resp'y March 27, 1861
"Turn over" S. A. Hurlbut
Original documents at the Abraham Lincoln Papers Collection, Library of Congress