Steve Hurlbut to Abraham Lincoln, March 27, 1861
Disunionists in the Border States will
avail themselves of to work further mis-
chief. War in which the United States
after crushing out the Revolution can
do nothing further than receive back into
our National family an angry
disgraced, sullen and dangerous
I solemnly believe that the Seven States
are irrevocably gone -- except perhaps Texas
and Louisiana as to which I have no
information. They have not gone out on
the Negro question -- their leaders in frank
conversation do not say so. They have set
up housekeeping for themselves and the
only possible cure is to let them bear
the burdens of housekeeping.
Nor do I believe that any policy which
may be adopted by this Government will
prevent the possibility of armed collis-
If these States remain "de jure" parts of
the Republic -- the U. States are responsible
for them to foreign governments. And
from every quarter especially from Mexico
there is danger of complaint of violation
of treaty stipulations.
Original documents at the Abraham Lincoln Papers Collection, Library of Congress