Harrison Gray Otis to William Sullivan, February 13, 1820
Dear Sir,
I send you a Richmond enquirer, whence
you will be able to discern the movements in Virginia-
The Caucus it seems in that State, will not nominate Mun
roe untill they ascertain that he will reject a bill com
promising the Missouri question, should such a bill
pass-Thus you see they are reviving the system of in
timidation by which they have always governed
the Union-The object is to shake weak and wavering
folks in the House of Representatives - The times re
quire great firmness and prudence on your part-
Let the Democracy lead and urge them into the fore
ground, and take care to support them-Let them
be irretrievably committed on the slave question
before the fears on this subject become merged in their
Original documents at the New York Public Library