John C. Calhoun to Littleton Waller Tazewell, August 25, 1827, page 8
in truth exist were it not for
a provision in a single act
of Congress, I mean the
25th section of the Judiciary
Act of 1789; the existence or non-
existence of which provision
["would" interlined] make an entire change
in the operation of our
system. If the appellate
power from the State courts
to the U[nited] States court provided
for by the 25th sec[tio]n did not
exist, the practical con-
sequence would be, that
each government would
have a negative on
the other, and thus possess
the most effectual remedy,
that can be conceived
against encroachment. Un-
der this view, this provision
becomes one of the deepest
importance, much more
so, than any other in the
Original documents at the John C. Calhoun Collection, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.