The Real Cause of the U.S. Civil War

Lewis Tappan Circular Letter of November 6, 1846

Soliciting Funding for the National Era Newspaper

Page 1

100 to be printed

New York, November 5, 1846.

Dear Sir,

The Executive Committee of the American

Anti-Slavery Society are desirous of establishing a weekly Liberty

Paper in the City of Washington, as early as practicable, & the

encouragement is so great that they hope it will be commenced by

December or Januaryt next. After diligent enquiry & correspondence

they are satisfied that the plan is feasible. Several members of

Congress & inhabitants of Washington enter into it with spirit & hope.

Influential & judicious friends of the cause in different parts of the country

highly approve of the measure, & promise to aid in its accomplishment.

Dr. G. Bailey, jr of Cincinnati, Rev. Amos A. Phalps & John G.

Whittier have agreed to be the Editors--the former to remove im-

mediately to Washington. In connexion with the lan we propose to

issue a series of well written Anti-Slavery books & tracts for gen-

eral circulation at moderate prices; & to have a an able agent in

each of the Free States, & in some of the Slave States; to lecture

promote the circulation of books Etc- & aid the Anti-Slavery cause with

the Abolitionists of the State as efficiently as he can.

For the accomplishment of these objects, looking to the God

of the oppressed for help, it is proposed to raise twenty thousand Doll[ar]s

a year for three years. This sum, though large, can, we think, be

secured, & sure we are that it can be wisely & judiciously applied.

The Paper will be printed on food paper, with handsome type, & be

furnished to subscribers at $2.00 per annum payable in advance.

We propose to employ an agent in each Free State for two months,

not to lecture or address the masses, but to visit individual friends of

the cause who are able & willing to aid in this great plan. Already

Tappan Circular Letter, page 1